How to Run Session Zero for a D&D Campaign It’s been said, “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.” That may be true, it’s truer if you forget to hold a session zero. Let’s discuss. What is Session Zero? Session Zero is the platform for everyone in the gaming group to express what they want out of their D&D campaign (or…

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Creating a D&D Character | Character Prologue This post will be the first in a series about my current character creation process. I say the current process, because my thoughts about character creation have changed significantly over the years.  D&D has evolved, and I’ve tried to evolve with it – while still sticking to the things I love most about the…

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How a to Plan a D&D Campaign

Planning an entire campaign might seem like a daunting task, but you don’t have to plot out every detail right from the start. You can start with the basics, running a few adventures, and think about larger plotlines you want to explore as the campaign progresses. You’re free to add as much or as little…

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How to Introduce a New Player to D&D How to Introduce a New Player to D&D Oh…you want to play D&D? Awesome! You’ve played before right? No? No problem!  Just pick up a copy of the D&D Player’s Handbook, read it, make a character, and you can join my game group next week. We’re starting at level 3, go ahead and use…

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How a D&D Gaming Session is like a Business Meeting

So yeah…meetings. You’ve likely been in them in some form or another. Maybe you’ve even led a few (or more than a few).  If they’re done well, meetings can be productive. But you don’t often think of them as being “fun.” I mean it’s possible to have fun in meetings, but it’s not usually the…

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How to Be a Better Dungeon Master

Want to level-up your Dungeon Mastering skills and learn from others while still keeping your own sense of creativity? Give these three tips a try… 1. Run a Published Adventure Professional campaign books have come a long way. Over the years, there’ve been classic, original and AD&D modules like Keep on the Borderlands or Temple…

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How to Develop Your D&D Campaign’s Theme

As a player and connoisseur of role playing games, you likely enjoy a variety of genres. Maybe you like exploration and ancient civilizations, murder mysteries, stories based in unique and unnerving locations, gothic horror, or even secret organizations.  But as a DM, how do you pick the right theme for your campaign? Let’s review my…

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Character Backgrounds vs Player Backgrounds

For 5th Edition Dungeons & Dragons, a character’s background represents the beginning of their story. It gives your character a roleplaying-based start since it gives the player a starting point for deciding how they transitioned into their new adventuring life.  Character Backgrounds Bring Variety Character backgrounds also offer specific game-mechanic enhancements for your character. This…

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